What is Building in Biotech about?

Building in Biotech is a blog about software. I write about how what kinds of problems people are trying to solve with sofware in biotechnology, how people go about building that software and how we might do it better. Posts will touch on a range of topics, such as AI and automation, as well as my personal experience learning to be an effective practitioner in the field.

If anyone has any comments on the my posts, or suggestions for new content, I would love to hear them! Just reach out to me on one of the platforms.

About me

I’m William Steele, a bioinformatician working in antibody discovery in Cambridge, England. I got a masters in Immunology from Imperial in 2020, which is where I fell in love with programming. After my degree I moved to Cambridge, UK where I have worked in antibody discovery CROs, both behind the bench as a lab scientist and as a bioinformatician.